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  Type   Title Owner Modified Date Size Actions
  Document ATACP Exercise Questions.doc dcolburn 06/03/03 173 KB
  Document ATACP Project Outline.doc dcolburn 06/16/03 27 KB
  Document ATACPProject.doc dcolburn 06/23/03 54 KB
  Document ATACPTime.xls dcolburn 06/17/03 4 MB
  Document ATACPTime.xls dcolburn 07/02/03 458 KB
  Document FAPCard

A 4" x 6" card in Word format of the Fundamental Assessment Process in Assistive Technology

dcolburn 06/04/03 21 KB
  Document IEPOverview.doc dcolburn 06/11/03 60 KB
  Document My ATACP.doc dcolburn 06/04/03 304 KB
  Document Scope and Sequence.doc dcolburn 05/08/03 366 KB
  Document SpecialEdlist.xls dcolburn 06/05/03 56 KB
  Document The Fundamental Assessment Process (FAP)

12 page complete information document on the FAP) Fundamental Assessment Process used in assistive technology as prescribed in the ACATP.

dcolburn 05/08/03 196 KB
  Document Voice recognition.doc dcolburn 06/03/03 113 KB