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Mane Event Page 06
Handle: Document-24189
Owner: Polyn, Kathie (User-3527, kpolyn:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, December 22, 2005 10:48:20 AM EST
Thursday, December 22, 2005 11:50:44 AM EST
Modified By: Polyn, Kathie (User-3527, kpolyn:DocuShare)DS
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  • 6
The Mane Event’s Fun Stuff Dear...Someone? -Eddie Izzard
  • They say guns don’t kill people; people kill
  • -Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.
  • -The Cowboys beat the Giants
  • Silly Quotes
Some Funny Theories Chris Petty, Sophomore Paws Up Paws Down To the Volleyball Team for winning a Sectional Title and for their Wins over HAC and Webster Christian! To make things worse, not only do you deal with infectious humans, it turns out Area 51 was built on top of an alien colony, and they want their revenge.
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Appears In: Nov Mane Event
Preferred Version: Mane Event Page 6