The Mane Event’s Fun Stuff
    Useless Trivia
    ­Once, I accidentally tried to unlock my house with
    my car keys. I started my house up. So I drove
    around for a while, and then parked on the free­
    way and started yelling at everyone.
    “GET OUT
    ­Steven Wright
    ­Before Stonehenge, there was a woodhenge, and
    then a strawhenge, but then the big bad wolf blew
    them down and the three little pigs had to be relo­
    cated to the projects. ­Eddie Izzard
    ­I carry a lighter in my back pocket. I don’t smoke,
    I just like certain songs. ­Demetri Marten
    ­This shirt is dry clean only. Which means...it’s dirty.
    ­Mitch Hedberg
    ­My father was a beekeeper and his father before
    him. I’d like to follow in their footsteps, and they
    went a little something like this: *runs across the
    ! ­Eddie Izzard
    ­They say guns don’t kill people; people kill
    people. But I think the gun helps, you know?
    Standing around pointing at people and going
    Isn’t going to do much, is it? You’d
    have to be real dodgy in the heart to have that. ­
    Eddie Izzard
    ­Crabs pee through their eyes.
    ­Winston Churchill was born in a bathroom at a
    ­A pig’s snout is called a gruntle.
    ­Bananas grow pointing upwards.
    ­Giraffes can’t swim.
    ­The cucumber is actually a fruit.
    ­More people are killed by bees than snakes.
    ­Zebras are white with black stripes.
    ­A snail can have up to 25,000 teeth.
    ­An American aircraft managed to shoot itself
    down by accident in the Vietnam War.
    ­Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.
    ­The Cowboys beat the Giants
    10. Light travels faster than sound. This is why
    some people appear bright until you hear them
    9. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To
    steal ideas from many is research.
    8. How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise
    my hands.
    7. The surest sign that there is intelligent life some
    where in the Universe is that it hasn’t tried to
    contact us.
    6. Duct tape is like the force, it has a Light side and
    a Dark side and it holds the Universe together.
    5. Quantum Particles: the dreams that stuff is made
    4. There’s no such thing as a great discovery; there
    are just very fortunate accidents.
    3. Photons have mass?! I didn’t even know they
    were Catholic...
    2. I have not failed. I have just found ten thousand
    ways that will not work.
    1. It has recently been discovered that research
    causes cancer in rats.
    Silly Quotes
    Some Funny Theories
    Chris Petty, Sophomore
    Paws Up
    Paws Down
    To the Volleyball Team for winning a
    Sectional Title and for their Wins over
    HAC and Webster Christian!
    To Katelyn Beman for her terrific perfor­
    mance in the Cross Country Sectionals and
    To all benchmark students who worked
    so hard to complete their tasks on time.
    To all the students participating in sports,
    the musical, and other school activities.
    To the lazy seniors who blew off their
    To the coming of winter weather, yuck!
    Good predator design
    Cool weapons
    Faulty camera angles
    Some dated graphics
    Terrible sound and voice acting
    Sluggish button commands
    Final V
    Different View of
    Concrete Jungle”
    If you’re going to write it, own it.
    Funny Fotos
    You are Ethan Cole, a soldier sent into
    the underground military base of Area 51. You have
    no clue what your mission is, but you have heard ru­
    mors that have come out of there. When you get down
    there, you are thrown into immediate action, fighting
    hordes of humans who have been infected with a vi­
    rus that alters their body structure making them stron­
    ger yet very stupid, although some can use guns.
    Things don’t start off that great either; pretty much
    first thing your buddy gets his head ripped off, and
    you get infected; however, by the means of a rare
    genotype, you gain the ability to mutate at will into
    one of the creatures. To make things worse, not only
    do you deal with infectious humans, it turns out Area
    51 was built on top of an alien colony, and they want
    their revenge. Oh joy!
    Okay, looking for a game that has a wide
    choice of weaponry… this isn’t it. There are a total
    of six different weapons and two types of grenades.
    All the weapons have a melee function, and you can
    go dual fire action as long as you have two of the
    same guns. There is never a dull moment! When you
    think you have killed all the enemies in one area, more
    will show up. Where the game lacks in weaponry it
    makes up in voice acting. David Duchovney (Agent
    Mulder from
    “The X­Files”
    and the main character
    ) does the voice for Cole, which is so
    flipping cool. When you scan someone, they interact
    by saying something hilarious like
    “A little to the
    “That feels so good, yet so awkward.”
    I give “Area 51” an 8 out of 10!
    Next Month:
    “Ultimate Spider­ Man”
    PS2 Review
    Chris Petty, Sophomore
    This months game: “Area 51”
    What do you do when you are sad and the people
    around you won’t leave you alone?
    *Be thankful you have people around who care*
    *If one of your friends was sad, wouldn’t you want
    to know what happened*
    *If you are really truly that sad and don’t want to
    share your problems with your friends, maybe you
    should seek help with parents or professionals in
    your school*
    What do you do when you think you have an
    undiagnosed mental illness?
    *First find out if you do or not by seeking profes­
    sional help*
    *If you think you have something wrong, chances
    are you probably do*
    *Check out your own symptoms on web MD; be­
    come educated on your illness, if you have one*
    *There’s no harm in seeking help from a mental
    illness. Lots of harm can be done if you don’t!!

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