Plans for Mark Scher Week of 01/05/04 (Days BCDEA)
English 12 (meeting days BCE) Plans for Mark Scher Week of 01/05/04 (Days BCDEA) Plans for Mark Scher Week of 01/05/04 (Days BCDEA) We will continue to look for characteristics of sci fi and for themes of the treatment of aliens.
Day 1: write an essay comparing the rationality of humans in It and The Day the Earth Stood Still .
We designed other topics..This essay is due at the start of day 2.
Days 2–3: In class read “Rescue Party,” pp.
15 – Jan.
30 (Q2 ends on Jan 30):
Plan on discussing one text each day; some will take two. We will develop individual plans and goals.Standards: 2, 3,...
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