Plans for Mark Scher Week of 01/05/04 (Days BCDEA)


    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 01/05/04 (Days BCDEA)


    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 01/05/04 (Days BCDEA)

    English 12 (meeting days BCE)
    1. We will continue to look for characteristics of sci fi and for themes of the treatment of aliens. Continue to look for plot, characterization, foreshadowing, atmosphere. . . . We will start to look at issues of rationality.
    Day 1: write an essay comparing the rationality of humans in It and The Day the Earth Stood Still . We designed other topics..This essay is due at the start of day 2.
    Days 2–3: In class read “Rescue Party,” pp. 137 -158 in Tomorrow. . . , looking for what the author predicted in 1946 and for how he characterized the several alien societies. Connect your findings with It and The Day the Earth Stood Still 
    Standards 2.1.1,2.1.2,2.1.3,2.1.4,2.1.5,2.1.6,3.2.1,3.2.,42
    ACE/AP English (meeting days ABD)
    Dec. 15 – Jan. 30 (Q2 ends on Jan 30):
    Plan on discussing one text each day; some will take two.
    Read Shapiro, 390-405, checking it for logic and data;
    As we examine each piece, develop essay topics: Mukherjee, 186-199;
    Man-Kong, 420-425;
    Orwell, 487-491;
    Bradford, 491-493.
    1. Students will continue to write essays or may write other forms. We will develop individual plans and goals.
    Standards: 2, 3, 4
    English 9 (Block 9.02 meeting days ACD; 9.03 meeting ABD; 9.06 meeting ACD; 9.08 meeting BCE)
    1. On days 1 and 2, Becky Savaria and Marla Meier will show their presentations on their independent reading of last year as an avenue for later work by certain students.
  1. Day 1: students prepare each other for discussion of symbolism of the bridge and the notion of a rite of passage in “The Bridge.” Present their findings by acting out a key scene, by drawing parallel activities from their own lives, or by drawing, labeling, and justifying their choice of key scenes in the story.
  2. Day 2: “For Behind the Golden Mask,” students find main ideas as preparation for an essay on how well the queen did her job(s).
  3. Day 3: students begin their essays on how well the queen did her job(s.
    Standards: 1, 2, 3
    ELA Lab.09 (meeting day B)
    You will split your time in making sure that you are succeeding with English 9 class work and in working with the New York State Drivers Manual. We will use the Internet to test your work with the manual.


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