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  Type   Title Owner Modified Date Size Actions
  Document Action Shot 1 tfuller 05/18/07 637 KB
  Document Action Shot 2 tfuller 05/18/07 604 KB
  Document Art Institute of Chicago tfuller 05/18/07 641 KB
  Document Cool Picture Waterfall 1 tfuller 05/18/07 657 KB
  Document Cool Picture Waterfall 2 tfuller 05/18/07 590 KB
  Document Cool Sculpture tfuller 05/18/07 2 MB
  Document Fellas Downtown tfuller 05/18/07 2 MB
  Document Giant Water Fountain Approach tfuller 05/18/07 618 KB
  Document Group Shot 1 tfuller 05/18/07 607 KB
  Document Metal Bean - Dylan tfuller 05/18/07 2 MB
  Document Metal Bean - Dylan 2 tfuller 05/18/07 716 KB
  Document Metal Bean #1 tfuller 05/18/07 779 KB
  Document Metal Bean #2 tfuller 05/18/07 707 KB
  Document Metal Bean #3 tfuller 05/18/07 691 KB
  Document Metal Bean #4 tfuller 05/18/07 2 MB
  Document Metal Bean #5 tfuller 05/18/07 578 KB
  Document Mike Caught for Picture tfuller 05/18/07 595 KB
  Document Professor Schulze Explaining Landscape tfuller 05/18/07 599 KB
  Document Schulze Family tfuller 05/18/07 2 MB
  Document Water Fountain - Ryan tfuller 05/18/07 2 MB
  Document Water Fountain - Ryan 2 tfuller 05/18/07 649 KB
  Document Water Fountain - Ryan 3 tfuller 05/18/07 604 KB
  Document Waterfall Panoramic tfuller 05/18/07 828 KB