The feature article concerns manipulatives and is the last of the topics impacting the standards. In the future the newsletter will only be giving SED updates on mathematics education.
Future issues will be in the form of updates on SED policy, timelines, and initiatives that have impact on math departments. There will be no more feature articles. The new editor will be Dave Payton, EBA 467, NYSED, Albany, NY 12234. He can also be reached at
Carolyn Richbart will be retiring at the end of the month. She was hoping to have the state results on the CTB tests for this issue but they won't be available for at least 10 days. They will be posted when available.
INTERMEDIATE MATH ASSESSMENT FOR ACCELERATED SEVENTH GRADERS School administrators may allow seventh grade students to take the intermediate mathematics test this school year if they so desire.
78 5. Teacher encourages pupils to “discover” for themselves concepts in mathematics by experimenting, observing patterns, and making generalizations (inquiry) 86 6. Teacher uses a variety of instructional techniques and varies levels of student activity.
83 5. Teacher encourages pupils to “discover” for themselves concepts in mathematics by experimenting, observing patterns, and making generalizations (inquiry) 76 6. Teacher uses a variety of instructional techniques and varies levels of student activity.
81 5. Teacher encourages pupils to ...
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