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Skills Map
Handle: Document-25600
Owner: Neal, Brenda (User-6447, bneal:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, October 19, 2006 02:48:38 PM EDT
Thursday, October 19, 2006 02:48:38 PM EDT
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SUBJECT ELA GRADE 2TimetableTopicContentSkillsPerformance ObjectiveAssessmentUnit 16 weeksReadingComprehensionPredictingCharacterAuthor's PurposeSettingDrawing Conclusions
  • activate prior learning of topic
  • relate literature to experiences in own lives
  • identify character and character traits
  • identify the author's purpose in a narrative
  • identify the setting of a selection
  • draw conclusions using text and real-life experiences
S 1, 2, 3S 1, 2, 3S 1, 2, 3S 1, 2, 3S 1, 2, 3Unit 1 Skills TestUnit 1 6 weeksWord Study/PhonicsShort vowelsInitial l, r, s, BlendsFinal consonant blendsLong vowels with final e...
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Skills Map.doc
Appears In: Second Grade
Preferred Version: Skills Map