As per posting below, the fanatic four did in fact travel to Albany for a productive session with Randy and his aides. Peter Applebee was particularly up to speed and understood all of our concerns. Some heated response to the DS salary cap issues and the legislature's perception of BOCES ducking the rule of law that they all have to live under, AND some heat over the relationship between the Board of Regents as the policy makers and the legislature as the guardians of the public purse. Expect restoration of BOCES aid and no reduction from the level of the governor's proposal after a protracted budget debate. Basically safe to plan on Governor's proposal plus BOCES aid restoration. Thank you to Steve for driving, George for lunch, and Nancy for the entertainment and information sharing.
As per posting below, the fanatic four did in fact travel to Albany for a productive session with Randy and his aides. Peter Applebee was particularly up to speed and understood all of our concerns. Some heated response to the DS salary cap issues and the legislature's perception of BOCES ducking the rule of law that they all have to live under, AND some heat over the relationship between the Board of Regents as the policy makers and the legislature as the guardians of the public purse. Expect restoration of BOCES aid and no reduction from the level of the governor's proposal after a protracted budget debate. Basically safe to plan on Governor's proposal plus BOCES aid restoration. Thank you to Steve for driving, George for lunch, and Nancy for the entertainment and information sharing.