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Charter Update - New
Below are two messages received on my SU listserv regarding Charter Schools ( these people are advocates). This in combination with my conversation with Bob Oaks yesterday leads me to believe Steve was right on all along the way on this one. Info on Saturday conference at SU might be of interest to folks. Wasn't it Don Corleone who advised keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Wonder what Sunday's NYTimes will have on this one... Subject: Charter Schools & NYS Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 07:50:09 -0500 From: Jude Hollins Reply-To: To: "CFE Graduate Student List" well. Two things. NYS officially will have charter legislation. I expect a moderate news frenzy, in the shadows of impeachment and iraq. The law is rather odd, as far as the range of charter laws across the states go. NY is the 34th state to pass legislation. It was only barely bi-partisan, and was tied to this whole pay raise fiasco. If folks are interested, I can pass on another note about the specifics of the legislation. The bare bones is this: An umlimited number of existing public schools can turn themselves into "charter public schools." The Board of Regents and the SUNY Board can each sponsor up to 50 new "charter public schools." A share of the 100 million set aside by the US Congress can come to NYS to help schools get started. Anyway, there is a conference coming up (Feb.) on charter schools, here at Syracuse University. There is also another one at Bank Street College down in NYC, in January. Here is the post about the SU conference, from the national listserv. I think quality dialog is absolutely critical, given the stakes and complexity of the politics. I hope folks will pass this on and consider participating.Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 12:29:21 -0500 Sender: Charter Schools List From: "Anne L. Foley" Subject: NYS Charter Conference To: CHARTERSCHOOLS@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU FYI - There is a statewide charter schools conference planned for NY - Charters Schools: A Networking Conference, sponsored by Charter Schools Network of Upstate New York and The Study Council at Syracuse University. The conference will take place on Saturday, Feb. 6 from 9:00 - 1:30 and will be held at Goldstein Student Center, Syracuse NY. There is a $5.00 registration fee. Registration information is at the end of this message. Briefly the purpose of the conference is "to bring together stakeholders in educaiton to share, learn, and dialogue about charter schools and their impact on New York State education." We have gathered together speakers who will be able to offer workshops on defining the role of the sponsoring agencies, educational facilities planning, union perspectives, NYS charter legislation, New York dreaming - visions of what a school could be, and a proposed charter school - a model application. The conference is designed for educators, parents, students, community leaders. We are also having two founders of a performing arts charter school from MA come to talk about how their operations. There will be a panel discussion about charter schools issues with participants from the teachers unions, the Center for Education Reform, local city school board, Charter Schools Resource Center, Charter School Research Project. To register send your $5.00 check to: The Study Council at Syracuse University, 250 Huntington Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY 13244-2340. Please include the following information with your registation check or fax it to 10315-443-5845: Name, Home Address, School district, Phone and Fax number. Registration deadline is February 4, 1999. Any questions please call : 1-315-443-5836. Hope to see many of you there. Anne Foley
Handle: Bulletin-1358
Owner: Murray, Cindy (User-7046, cmurray:DocuShare)DS
Friday, December 18, 1998 08:54:33 AM EST
Friday, September 21, 2012 09:17:31 AM EDT
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Appears In: Bulletin Board for WFL BOCES Chief School Officers