Meeting of the Library Program Networks
February 28, 1999
The library program networks group is working on a PowerPoint presentation that explains the services that a school library media specialist can offer the teachers to enable them to meet the standards.
At the December 20, 1998, we were trained by a BOCES trainer on how to use Powerpoint.
At the February 28th meeting, a discussion was held concerning the contents of the PowerPoint project.
First we discussed the standards and how library skills are incorporated. Marie Johnson of Romulus stated that are group of Library Media Specialist were working on a presentation that would should the collaboration of the standards to the literacy standards of the American Library Association.
We discussed whether the presentation should be K-12 or if two or more presentations should be developed. It was decided that we would do one presentation.
A discussion was held on managing Internet and print resources.
Finally we worked on the text for the PowerPoint program.
The next meeting will be April 12 and 3:30.