| Meeting Minutes 99-11-5 |
| 00-01 Budget, Planning, Cognos, Pricing, Online Courses |
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User, Deleted (User-8026, deleteduser:DocuShare)DS
| Friday, November 12, 1999 09:45:23 AM EST |
| Tuesday, December 11, 2012 08:33:49 AM EST |
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Locked By:
| - EduTech Steering Committee
November 5, 1999Rochester Marriott ThruwayChris Manaseri, FacilitatorMembers Present:Joe Backer, Supt.- 4.
- Competing with the business sector for limited supply of trained specialists.
- presentation would be helpful in for GV BOCES districts
presentation last year was fine, but superintendents look for pricing, II.- Speaks to improving internal and external communication.
- How was the expectation in May(large number of SAAs signed) managed in the school districts?
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Microsoft Office Word (.doc, .dot) - application/msword
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| Steering Committee 11-5-99.doc |
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Appears In:
Minutes of EduTech Steering Committee Meetings
Preferred Version:
Meeting Minutes 99-11-5