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Review Test One 09.ppt


Handle: Document-29003
Owner: Fuller, Tina (User-7387, tfuller:DocuShare)DS
Monday, November 2, 2009 03:08:28 PM EST
Monday, November 2, 2009 03:08:28 PM EST
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ReviewConstitutionSlide 1 Comments2What is the Bill of Rights? First Amendment...
  • speech, press, religion, petition & assembly
Slide 4 Comments5What are two aspects of our democratic heritage we got from the Puritans? (means made us more democratic)Slide 13 Comments14Those that increased those who could vote15th -black men19th -women26th -18 to 21 year oldsSlide 14 Comments1517th Amendment -What other amendment made America more democratic – hint electing members of Congress? Congress can check the power of the President by…impeachmentSlide 18 Comments19_____________ a veto with a 2/3 majority vote.
  • Slide 29 Comments
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