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US Notes page 10
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Handle: Document-27013
Owner: Fuller, Tina (User-7387, tfuller:DocuShare)DS
Friday, December 7, 2007 02:42:37 PM EST
Friday, December 7, 2007 02:42:37 PM EST
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Early U.S.
  • History
Page 10Slide 1 Comments2President Washington’s influencesEstablished a Cabinet(Advisors)Slide 2 Comments3Washington increased the power of the Federal GovernmentSlide 3 Comments4Whiskey RebellionWashington personally led troops to put down a rebellion against a Congressional tax.
  • Slide 10 Comments
11Washington said trade with Europe but do not form military alliancesSlide 11 Comments12Changes in America in the early 1800’s1.
  • Requirements for voting in national elections no longer included land ownership
Slide 12 Comments132.
  • States began establishing public education because a democracy requires an intelligent literate s...
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