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Civil War page 11
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Handle: Document-26998
Owner: Fuller, Tina (User-7387, tfuller:DocuShare)DS
Friday, December 7, 2007 02:27:20 PM EST
Friday, December 7, 2007 02:27:20 PM EST
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America’s Civil WarPage 11Slide 1 Comments2Key Differences between the North and the South1.
  • Different economies
  • Northern economy was industrial.
  • Temporary solutions but did not avoid war.
  • Slide 8 Comments
9Popular SovereigntyMeans the citizens of a territory vote to determine if their territory would be free or state.
  • Also declared part of the Missouri Compromise Unconstitutional
Slide 10 Comments11Dred Scott CaseA black slave living in a territory where slavery was illegal sued for freedom, but the Supreme Court determined that slaves were property with no rights under the Constitution. Slide 13 Comments14Abraham Lincoln elected President3. The...
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Civil War page 11.ppt
Appears In: Mr. Murray
Preferred Version: Civil War page 11