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eBay Power Point Presentation
Gives a brief overview of the features of eBay.
Handle: Document-26131
Owner: Fuller, Tina (User-7387, tfuller:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:19:19 AM EDT
Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:19:19 AM EDT
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All About eBaySlide 1 Comments2What do you need to do? store)FeedbackGeneral Info (new vs.
  • used)
Description of itemShipping & tax termsReturn policyPayment optionsSlide 3 Comments4Establishing an AccountCreate an account in eBay:Choose a user nameEnter other info requiredYou will need an email addressCreate an account in PayPal:Choose a user nameEnter other infoBecome a “verified” PayPal userVerify checking accountSlide 4 Comments5Buying StrategiesDO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST!!!!!What model are you looking for? Customer feedback?Be Patient!!Do not bid on items right away! Slide 7 Comments8Selling StrategiesTo create a listing you ...
Microsoft Power Point (.ppt, .pot) - application/
eBay Presentation.ppt
Appears In: All About eBay
Preferred Version: eBay Power Point Presentation