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Skills Map
Handle: Document-25767
Owner: Neal, Brenda (User-6447, bneal:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:52:23 PM EST
Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:52:23 PM EST
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SUBJECT ELA GRADE 6TimetableTopicContentSkillsPerformance ObjectiveAssessmentReading ComprehensionSequenceAuthor’s ViewpointCause and EffectGeneralizing
  • identify sequence as the order of events
  • use clue words to keep track of the order of events in fiction
  • recognize that the way an author looks at a subject is author’s viewpoint
  • identify words , phrases and details that reveal an author’s viewpoint
  • find effects by asking “What happened?” and find causes by asking “Why did it happen?”
  • identify multiple effects of a cause or multiple cause of effects
  • recognize generalizations as
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Skills Map.doc
Appears In: Sixth Grade
Preferred Version: Skills Map