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Sentence Starters Assignment
Handle: Document-25658
Owner: James, Erin (User-6044, ejames:DocuShare)DS
Tuesday, November 7, 2006 02:16:38 PM EST
Tuesday, November 7, 2006 02:16:38 PM EST
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English 11Sentence StartersDirections: Complete each of these thoughts with complete and clearly written sentences.
  • Make sure that you use details that clearly illustrate your ideas.
  • Write 1-2 sentences for each starter.
  • My idea of a hero is…
America’s idea of a model family may be described as…A defendant in a jury trial has the best chance of being found innocent if…A Southern lady would never…A few words that are characteristic of my generation/peers are…All men are…Girls should act like…Education is…No one is above…When the law does not succeed in punishing criminals…
Microsoft Office Word (.doc, .dot) - application/msword
Appears In: To Kill a Mockingbird
Preferred Version: Sentence Starters Assignment