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Kuglemass Assignment
Handle: Document-25653
Owner: James, Erin (User-6044, ejames:DocuShare)DS
Monday, November 6, 2006 09:22:11 AM EST
Monday, November 6, 2006 09:22:11 AM EST
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  • English 11
Writing AssignmentThe Kugelmass READ THIS FIRST FOR BACKGROUND INFORMATION!!!‘‘The Kugelmass Episode,’’ first published in the May 2, 1977, issue of The New Yorker, is Woody Allen’s fantastic tale of a dissatisfied humanities professor who has himself transported into the fictional world of Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary.
  • Kugelmass, like Allen’s heroes in other stories and films, is a schlemiel, or hapless bungler who finds himself the victim of circumstances (often of his own making) in an absurd and confusing world.
  • Source:
NOW WHAT????Your task is to mimic Allen’s intent through a writing assignment of your own.
  • What would you be thinking? Who...
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Appears In: The Crucible -- English 11
Preferred Version: Kuglemass Assignment