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Foil Fencing
Foil Fencing Study Sheet
Terms, Skills, Rules, and Scoring of Fencing
Handle: Document-24287
Owner: Blair, Martha (User-6110, mblair:DocuShare)DS
Monday, January 9, 2006 01:06:38 PM EST
Monday, January 9, 2006 01:06:38 PM EST
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  • Foil Fencing Study sheet
Terms:Advance- to move forward in the guard positionAttack- an attempt to hit the opponentBeat- a sharp tap against the opponents blade to clear the way for an offensive hitChange of engagement- the act of going from one line to engage the blade in anotherCut over- a simple attack that is made by lifting the blade over the opponent’s blade to hit in the opposite lineDisengage- a simple attack that is made by leaving the line of engagement to hit in anotherEngagement- the contact of two opposing bladesFeint- a pretend attack that is made by a menacing extension of the foil arm.
  • Retreat- Reverse of the advance.
  • Done by moving the left foot first and ...
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