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English 9 vocabulary from Global Studies and Earth Science, updated on 10.06.05
Handle: Document-23706
Owner: Taylor, Stephen (User-1969, staylor:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, October 6, 2005 09:34:30 AM EDT
Thursday, October 6, 2005 09:34:30 AM EDT
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abbot-the head of a monasterySlide 1 Comments2abdicate-to give up power (usually royal power)Slide 2 Comments3absolutism-the political theory that power should be held by a single authority (one leader or one group)Slide 3 Comments4Acid rainrain that carries pollution-especially acid (see the Earth Science definition)Slide 4 Comments5the Acropolis-a complex of buildings in the center of Athens- field for the peopleSlide 5 Comments6Slide 6 Comments7Slide 7 Comments8Slide 8 Comments9the Age of Enlightenment-having to do with learning- age of reason- 18 centurySlide 9 Comments10imperialism-More pow...
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Appears In: Dr. Scher 2005-2006
Preferred Version: English 9 vocabulary from Global Studies and Earth Science, updated on 10.06.05