Summary of Budget Proposed by Governor from NYSCOSS
New York State Council of School SuperintendentsLEGISLATION BULLETINIssue 99-02 January 27, 1998GOVERNOR’S 1999 EXECUTIVE BUDGETSchools Take a BeatingThe Governor advanced an ambitious agenda ofeducational change for the 1999 session with his1999-2000 State Budget proposal.
=>Small Cities Aid Phase-out — Save-Harmless
phase-out for small city schools is reinstated,cutting $6 million;=>Special Education “Reforms” — 1999-00 Aid wouldbe capped at 1998-99 levels.
$275,000 for SED staffing;
Program Initiatives Cont’d=>Public School Choice — SURR school studentswould be able to “opt-out” of their current schoolafter 2 year...
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