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Board Minutes 12.14.04
Unofficial and Unapproved
Handle: Document-21777
Owner: Fuller, Tina (User-7387, tfuller:DocuShare)DS
Tuesday, December 28, 2004 03:51:24 PM EST
Wednesday, October 23, 2013 09:11:31 AM EDT
Modified By: Dickenson, Rhonda (User-8396, rhonda.dickenson:gvwfl)DS
Locked By:
  • Unofficial and Unapproved
NORTH ROSE-WOLCOTT CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2004 7:00PM ROOM 210 OF THE HIGH SCHOOL PRESENT Sandra Boerman, Robert Cahoon, Melinda DeBadts, Nickoline Henner, Mark Humbert (7:30pm), Jeffrey Lisanto, Edward Magin, David Smith Elena LaPlaca, Daniel Starr, Deborah Stuck and approximately 20 guests.
  • 4b.
  • BUDGET UPDATE Jeff Lisanto reported on the budget committee meeting.
  • Nicki Henner reported on the last meeting of the Public Relations
  • He will be engaging staff to compile a
list of suggestions at each building, solicit ideas from the community and the ...
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Appears In: Board Minutes 2004-2005
Preferred Version: Board Minutes 12.14.04