Outline for students on a medical excuse for more than 2 consecutive weeks
This is an outline for any student who has a verified medical excuse and cannot participate in Physical Education for a period of 2 or more weeks. This paper will be graded in lieu of daily participation points
This paper is to be 1 page in length, double spaced, and turned in at the end of each week.
All papers must include:
History of the sport
when it was founded
where it originated
how it differs if at all from the way it is played today
D. who, if anyone, was responsible for it’s beginnings E. is it an Olympic sport 1. When did it become an Olympic sport 2. Is it presently an Olympic sport 3. Is it played male/female/co-ed F. do women and men play by the same rules G. is the sport gender biasedII. Icons of the game (who is most noted for the sport)IV. You can choose any sport, but 1 paper should be done on the...
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