Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/20/03 (Days ABCDE) printed 11/7/03 .
11/7/03 .
. page of
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-English 12 (meeting days BCE)Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/20/03 (Days ABCDE) printed 11/7/03 . . . 11/7/03 . . . page of On days 1 and 2: Working from the list of assignments in handout, students follow steps in Jobs and Career unit. Standard 3.2, 4.1Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/20/03 (Days ABCDE) printed 11/7/03 . . . 11/7/03 . . . page of ================================================ACE/AP English (meeting days ABD)Nov. Write an essay on Eiseley, 333-339: how (or does) E...
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