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Staff Training on Docushare
Our opening of school training for teachers included training in Docushare for all of our teachers. Lori Leenay did a great job along with her staff. We also had our own Ann Kaminski- on loan to BOCES for the year, show everyone the staff development online for the ELA assessments. Our teachers were required to post a document to the K-12 Curriculum at a Glance folder which you all have access to. I thought this might make a nice format for us to use to encourage teacher sharing of lesson plans, best practices, and even bulletin board items for communication about the curricular changes upon us. Please check it out or ask your RIC rep to do so. With the Title III grant moneys 10 of us are sharing which are supposed to be used to encourage technology as a means of raising the bar regionally, this might be one avenue to persue. Anybody out there?
Handle: Bulletin-760
Owner: Murray, Cindy (User-7046, cmurray:DocuShare)DS
Saturday, September 5, 1998 12:27:57 PM EDT
Friday, September 21, 2012 09:17:31 AM EDT
Modified By:
Appears In: Bulletin Board for WFL BOCES Chief School Officers