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Athletic League Decisions
At the WFL Athletic League Meeting on Monday, our AD's approved the entry of Wayne into the Finger Lakes League with only two decenting votes ( Romulus and South Seneca) and one abstention ( Red Jacket). Apparently not the way some of us anticipated our AD's would vote. I would like to beg the question once again of who runs the schools in the region? If we are supposed to see the big picture, how can we ignore the best interests of ALL of the children by only allowing this issue to be addressed piecemeal? We recognized a need last year to address the athletic league reallignment as a whole region, we voted in favor of a hard-hammered proposal, and then we let our subordinates choose differently. That's not regional leadership, that's not what's in the best interest of kids rather than adults, and that's not anybody's fault but our own. I'd like to see us re-examine this issue at our table.
Handle: Bulletin-1118
Owner: Murray, Cindy (User-7046, cmurray:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, November 4, 1998 09:09:54 AM EST
Friday, September 21, 2012 09:17:31 AM EDT
Modified By:
Appears In: Bulletin Board for WFL BOCES Chief School Officers