| LeRoy Food |
| Places to eat in LeRoy |
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Dickenson, Rhonda (User-8396, rhonda.dickenson:gvwfl)DS
| Tuesday, January 4, 2000 05:31:27 PM EST |
| Wednesday, January 2, 2008 09:51:38 AM EST |
Modified By:
Dickenson, Rhonda (User-8396, rhonda.dickenson:gvwfl)DS
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Locked By:
| Return to Refreshment Center Lucky House Chinese Food110 W. Pontillo’s Pizza and PastaMain St.West Main St.Carry Out CaféTop’s PlazaWest Main St.Main St. |
| Allowed |
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HTML Document (.html, .htm) - text/html
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| leroyfood.htm |
| None |
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| 4 |
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| 12715 |
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| No |
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EduTech Training - Informational Files
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LeRoy Food