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Handle: Document-23381
Owner: Fuller, Tina (User-7387, tfuller:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, September 8, 2005 02:58:38 PM EDT
Thursday, September 8, 2005 02:58:38 PM EDT
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Earth ScienceWithMr.
  • Thomas
Slide 1 Comments2 Where glaciers form:Far North Latitudes / Far South LatitudesMountains (Valleys)GlaciersSlide 2 Comments32 Types of Glaciers 1) Valley Glacier – Forms on top of a mountain and travels down the valleys.
  • Glaciers
Slide 3 Comments4 Glaciers form U-SHAPED VALLEYS!!!!!As a glacier moves it eventually ends up in an ocean (continental glacier):Calving – when pieces of the glacier break off into the ocean.
  • As the glacier moves (with huge rocks embedded in it) these huge rocks goudge out the bedrock.
  • 2) Drumlins (bluffs on Lake Ontario)
GlaciersSlide 6 Comments7Ice Age – Extensiv...
Microsoft Power Point (.ppt, .pot) - application/
PPP9 - Glaciers.ppt
Appears In: Weathering & Erosion
Preferred Version: Glaciers