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9th Grade Scheduling Overview
During the Spring of 8th grade, students and parents are given a course description handbook and information for setting up a 9th grade schedule and a four year plan for high school. Parents are invited to an evening Parent Orientation at school to review graduation and testing requirements for high school. Administrators and your son/daughter's Guidance Counselor will be there to answer any questions you may have. Parents & students are then invited to come in to school to meet individually with the counselor over the following few weeks. During that meeting, high school requirements and the student's future plans will be discussed. The student will also make his/her requests for a 9th grade schedule.
Handle: BulletinBoard-949
Owner: Taylor, Stephen (User-1969, staylor:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, February 24, 2000 08:23:27 AM EST
Thursday, February 24, 2000 08:23:27 AM EST
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Appears In: 9th Grade Scheduling and Parent Orientation