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  Type Title Owner Modified Date Size  
Topic March Meeting
A reminder that we will be meeting on March 24 & 25. These are the last two days for this year. Lots of information to share...and a curriculum to put to bed (for now). See you then. Please let me know if you're not planning on attending. Lynne
lphillip 03/12/99 0 properties
Topic March Meeting
A reminder that we will be meeting on March 24 & 25. These are the last two days for this year. Lots of information to share...and a curriculum to put to bed (for now). See you then. Please let me know if you're not planning on attending.
lphillip 03/12/99 0 properties
Topic Regular Meeting Canceled
Our February meeting for the consortium group has been canceled. We will finish up the year with the two back-to-back meetings in March. Lynne
lphillip 01/28/99 0 properties
Topic Steering Committee Meeting Rescheduled
Thanks Margaret for posting the last bulletin. The steering committee will meet on Feb. 3 from 8:30 - 11:30 at the Steak Out Restaurant. See you there. Lynne
lphillip 01/28/99 0 properties
Topic Steering Committee
A reminder that the Steering Committee will be meeting in Manchester-Shortsville at the Steakout Restaurant on Rte. 96 (just off the Thruway exit for Rte. 21) at noon on Friday, January 15, 1999. The consortium will pay for lunch. Please have a representative from your school present. Call Lynne if you have any questions (657-6172).
lphillip 01/02/99 0 properties
Topic Old Bulletins
Please delete old bulletins you may have posted. I don't have the rights to do that or I would have done it. Many of them are the test messages we produced during training last March.
lphillip 10/19/98 0 properties
Topic Getting Help After Hours
Thanks goodness for electronic media! Questions about using DocuShare can also be sent via e-mail to: Please include:
  • Name and version of the browser you use (to find out version, go to the Help menu in the browser and select About...)
  • Do you use AOL or LAKENET?
  • What are you trying to do?
  • What is the message you are getting?
Response (and instructions) will be sent the next working day via e-mail.
csnelson 10/01/98 0 properties
Topic Message from Lisa
Get with the program! :-)
lphillip 03/19/98 0 properties