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Mrs. McNally
I just finished an hour long meeting with the parent I told you we might expect Tuesday night. She plans to come to the Board meeting to complain to you about a disciplinary decision which I made when her son and another boy were involved in a small fight in the locker room after gym class on Monday. She would like you to countermand my decision to discipline both boys equally, and she would like the school to suspend the other boy some more ( after the fact). She does know that such a discussion is something you will want to deal with in executive session as it relates to school and student personnel. My read is that you should listen (plan on doing a LOT of that), and then respond only by indicating that you will take the matter up further with me and/or Mike and get back to her. Your call, but the Board should not be in the student discipline business unless there's been a major incident involving an extended suspension or expulsion that is appealed to your level prior to going to the Commissioner. This hardly qualifies.
Handle: Bulletin-1184
Owner: Fegley, Sue (User-6721, sfegley:DocuShare)DS
Friday, November 20, 1998 04:14:11 PM EST
Monday, September 21, 2009 01:34:27 PM EDT
Modified By: Dickenson, Rhonda (User-8396, rhonda.dickenson:gvwfl)DS
Appears In: Board Bulletin Board