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Incentive nibbles
Have met with five people in the past day and a half since issuing a memo that you would be asked to offer the incentive. Three look positive. Major hang-up with the other two is that they are CSEA and that contract offers nothing toward insurance for retirees. Upshot with these two highly paid hourly personnel is that they would make less than half of the cost of their insurance in the incentive.

Bobbi Nelson poses an interesting idea... she is interested in retiring for sure, but might also be interested in our half-time art position for the maximum 15K she can earn in retirement. I have asked Barb and Mike to get together on what a schedule would look like if this were to happen. I would want to try to consolidate classroom space as well, and gain back the room we currently use for art for academics and/or remediation. We were already exploring ways to make 1.5 FTE in art work for us; this is just an interesting new twist which would give us a known quantity, good with kids, and at a much reduced cost. I'll keep you posted on what develops.

Marge is for sure - saving us easily $25,000.

Handle: Bulletin-2681
Owner: Fegley, Sue (User-6721, sfegley:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, June 24, 1999 08:44:47 AM EDT
Monday, September 21, 2009 01:34:27 PM EDT
Modified By: Dickenson, Rhonda (User-8396, rhonda.dickenson:gvwfl)DS
Appears In: Board Bulletin Board