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If you get inundated with phone calls, it's my fault. Josh Cooley failed Economics this Fall. He also has failed in his attempt to make up the work for the course ( given ten weeks to do so) and has now been told he will not graduate. His parents are not happy. First with him, then with you. Your Board Policy is that kids who do not earn the diploma do not get the diploma, i.e.- do not participate in the commencement ceremony. They asked me what they could do. I invited them to come to our next Board Meeting as public to be heard and to plead their case for a change of policy. I told them I personally support the current policy, but that my job is to enforce the rules not to make them or change them. They asked if they might call you all ahead of time. I gave them your phone numbers. I also told them to remember that individaul board members can do nothing about policy, only the Board acting as a body can make changes. I also told them that we have a Policy Committee and that we have a thirty day wait period for any new or changed policy to go into effect. They would like to try to convince you of the wisdom of changing your rule to be more inclusive of those kids who fail requirements in their senior year. I'll give you copies of the policy in your backup packet for next time, but thought I should forewarn you. Thanks.
Handle: Bulletin-2302
Owner: Fegley, Sue (User-6721, sfegley:DocuShare)DS
Friday, April 16, 1999 08:30:25 AM EDT
Monday, September 21, 2009 01:34:27 PM EDT
Modified By: Dickenson, Rhonda (User-8396, rhonda.dickenson:gvwfl)DS
Appears In: Board Bulletin Board