For your review, in DocuShare, Steering Committee, Ongoing Committee Work, is a revision to the LAKENet Acceptable Use Policy. As a result of district review of the policy an issue was raised under the "USERS, Individual Users" section. The 6-19 version read " All individuals using LAKENet must have a signed written statement on file with their institution acknowledging their agreement to abide by the rules set forth in their district's public library's Acceptable Use Policy for network and Internet access." The issue was raised that such a written statement is inappropriate for very young students. Therefore the statement was revised to read - "All individuals using LAKENet agree to abide by the rules set forth in their district's public library's Acceptable Use Policy for network and Internet access. This will allow the districts to determine whether or not a written statement is required and at what age. Please note any issues or comments by 12-15-98.
For your review, in DocuShare, Steering Committee, Ongoing Committee Work, is a revision to the LAKENet Acceptable Use Policy. As a result of district review of the policy an issue was raised under the "USERS, Individual Users" section. The 6-19 version read " All individuals using LAKENet must have a signed written statement on file with their institution acknowledging their agreement to abide by the rules set forth in their district's public library's Acceptable Use Policy for network and Internet access." The issue was raised that such a written statement is inappropriate for very young students. Therefore the statement was revised to read - "All individuals using LAKENet agree to abide by the rules set forth in their district's public library's Acceptable Use Policy for network and Internet access. This will allow the districts to determine whether or not a written statement is required and at what age. Please note any issues or comments by 12-15-98.