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New Computers?
I have a crew from EduTech here to price a major computer upgrade for the kids' labs. We have money coming from Tom Cummings and we are underspent in BOCES special ed ( for a change). I will put this on the Tuesday night agenda as an information item, but wanted you to know. Plan would replace all machines in both current labs, change from token-ring to ethernet technology, switch everything to Windows 95, and avoid a year 2000 problem with I-Class. We would reuse the machines in the current labs in the Mac Lab ( becoming a word-processing equipped English class for Nancy Bauder) and in the Library - essentially creating four labs where teachers and kids can get work done. We would also reuse several of the more up-to-date Macs in the Tech lab for mechanical drawing. This preserves our investment in upgrading the machines we've done so far, and positions us well for the streaming audio and video coming with cybercoursework soon. All part of keeping you on the cutting edge....
Handle: Bulletin-1112
Owner: Fegley, Sue (User-6721, sfegley:DocuShare)DS
Tuesday, November 3, 1998 12:07:12 PM EST
Monday, September 21, 2009 01:34:27 PM EDT
Modified By: Dickenson, Rhonda (User-8396, rhonda.dickenson:gvwfl)DS
Appears In: Board Bulletin Board