So take a lot of pictures and remind
    them to have fun and still be
    I encourage you to help your son or daughter to
    make good decisions in the weeks ahead. Finally, please be honest if your son or
    daughter does skip school or otherwise break the rules. Each year I face a group of
    seniors over skipping school. Many parents are honest and either provide no
    excuse or state their child skipped. Those parents recognize the im(K)rtance of
    their children being res(K)nsible for their behavior. Yet, standing shoulder to
    shoulder with these students are others whose parents write a note saying their son
    was sick or their daughter had a medical appointment, and we all know it's not
    My expectations for the seniors,
    and by extension­their parents,
    are simple: ( 1) be
    respectful and fulfill your obligations as a student in Williamson High School; (2)
    be accountable for the decisions you make; (3) be honest to yourself and to
    everyone around you.
    Daniel StarT
    Spring is in the air!
    The weather has turned nice and we are all enjoying the arrival of spring. It means getting outside, cookouts, spring sports, the
    senior trip, the prom, and very soon, graduation.
    Parents of seniors typically struggle during these next 6
    ­ 7 weeks
    with the limits they have for their children. After all, in two months
    or less, our children will be in college and on their own. They can
    start to make their own decisions now.
    Two of the decisions for the seniors include a so­called senior
    parade and senior skip day. Please note that the school district does
    not support, nor does it condone a "senior parade" or any type of
    "skip day." There is a tremendous amount of liability associated
    with these events. Those who participate will face consequences
    from the school. The consequences will range from step, to
    extended detention, to removal from senior activities­including
    graduation. The severity of the behavior will determine the degree
    of accountability .I expect parents will understand when there are
    consequences for students who participate in these events.
    Typically, students are willing to be accountable for their behavior.
    It is frustrating, however, when parents choose to lie for their
    children or allow themselves to be put in that position. These
    Activities present
    One more
    as parents to teach
    our children that
    they will be
    for what they do.
    IS MAY 5TH
    The Junior
    Senior Prom is one of the
    social highlights of the entire year. For
    the second consecutive year, our
    students will dine and dance at the
    Hospitality House in Penfield. It truly is
    an exciting evening as our children
    suddenly look like adults.
    But they aren't quite there yet! Know who
    they are with, know where they are going
    at what time, be willing to pick your child
    up at someone's house if there is a
    problem. Be up for them when they
    return home and let them share the
    excitement of the evening. Above all
    else, encourage them to be careful.
    Showman, R.N.
    Our Spring Blood Drive is scheduled for Tuesday,
    May 15th from 10:00 a.m.­2:00 p.m. anyone age 17
    or older and who weighs 110 pounds may donate.
    Please contact me at 589­9625 if you are interested
    in helping with this worthwhile cause.
    I know it seems too early, but FALL SPORTS SIGN­
    UP sheets will be outside my office from April 30th
    to May 4th in order to get paperwork done by the
    scheduled physical dates. Those dates are
    Tuesday, May 1Sth and May 22nd. All students
    need to return their Health History forms by that
    time. Any student who wishes may have a physical
    at school.
    This month I will be sending physical exam forms
    home for all 9th graders.
    ALL students entering 1dh
    grade are required
    have a physical exam.
    call your MD's office to have your student scheduled
    by September. I
    t is always better for your own
    Health Care Provider to do the exam, since they
    know your student. If I
    DO NOT
    receive a copy of
    your student's physical exam by the end of
    September, I will schedule them at school at our first
    available date. Thank you for your prompt attention
    to this.
    Even though spring is in the air , our children are still in school.

    The Public Hearing is Wednesday, May 2nd, at 7:30 p.m., in the Middle School auditorium.
    The BUDGET VOTE is Tuesday, May 15th, from 1 :00­9:00 p.m., in the Middle School multi­
    purpose room.

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