March 29, 2001
    Wednesday evening’s Board of Education Meeting began with Public Participation and Board
    Announcements and Committee Reports. Dan Starr thanked Gretchen Craft and the students for their
    work on recreating the High School planter and pointed out the front­page story in the Democrat and
    Chronicle, picturing High School Teacher Kate Taylor. Bucky Jordan reported on the Town Park
    Committee Meeting and some activities they are undertaking. Amy BennettLepel reported on the
    Medieval Day
    , Superintendents’ Conference Day and her last SAVE Committee Meeting. Gretchen Craft
    recognized the student assistance she received on the High School planter project and reported on the
    Town Board Meeting she attended. Deb Larson commented on her visit to the High School and morning
    Forum. Bill Herbert reported on his recent trip to the Netherlands and updated educational matters in that
    country. He thanked Emily Evans for taking over for him at the Science Fair.
    The Board approved the Consent Agenda and Addendum items. These included appointing substitute
    teachers and support staff and the change in appointment for a number of monitors. Also approved was
    Rachel Lang as a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, who will work part­time in the district.
    Under Reports to the Board, monthly Building Principal Reports were received and commented upon.
    The Elementary report highlighted the “Make a Wish” article and Dr. Herbert’s visit to the school for
    Dental Health Week. The Board recognized the color pictures i
    n the Middle School Report and
    highlighted Medieval Days, the anti
    ­smoking initiatives and the Spelling Bee. In the High School report,
    the Board asked about the student mentor program with the seniors and the impact that it is having. Mr.
    Sta rr reported that the seniors at risk have been cut in half this year as compared to last. The Board
    approved the CSE Case Summaries as presented.
    Under Old Business, the Board was pr esented with the revenue projections and the impact of this on the
    budget in crease. Assistant Superintendent for Business, Mike Stitt, reviewed the state aid picture, which
    is very unclear at this point, and some of the other revenue sources. All are projections at this point,
    contingent on a New York State budget being approved
    . Currently the school budget will increase by
    5.1% with the tax rate being projected to increase about 8.2%. The Board has committed to reducing the
    tax impact if more state aid is received when the State budget is approved. Each $55,000 in state aid
    equates to a 1% impact on the tax rate. The Board will hold it last budget session at the April 11
    Meeting and will adopt a budget at this time.
    The Board also approved to present a resolution to the voters on the purchase of land south of the Middle
    School grounds. Because this can become part of the already approved Technology Project, the district
    will be eligible for building aid. The land purchase would have no impact on the proposed budget for
    Under New Business, the Board approved the appointment of Russell Kissinger as Middle School
    Principal. Mr. Kissinger has been an administrator for seven years, most recently serving as Assistant
    Principal in the Elmira District. He will begin work on July 1, 2001. The Board accepted with regret and
    best wishes the retirement resignation of Judy DiClemente, High School Math Teacher. The Board also
    accepted with regret the resignation of Kim Martin, Elementary Teacher. Kim plans to stay home to raise
    her children. Phyllis Stookey’s request for a year’s child rearing leave without pay was also approved. In
    final action the Board approved the request from the Redeem Church of Christ to use the High School
    building for a planned Homecoming Celebration. This will occur after the school year has concluded.
    After Public Participation, the meeting was recessed to Executive session at 8:45 P.M. The meeting was
    adjourned at 9:24 p.m.

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