March 15, 2001
    Wednesday evening’s Board of Education Meeting began with Public Participation and Board Committee
    Reports/Announcements. Amy BennettLepel reported on the last Curriculum Council meeting she
    attended and a recent meeting of PROUD that she attended. Deb Larson reported on the success of the K
    12 Vocal Concert held at the High School on Tuesday and also reported on an article she read on a legal
    case in Oregon regarding state testing and disabled students. Gretchen Craft reported on her efforts to
    replace the planter in the High School main foyer. She reported on the Vocal Concert, the Learning Fair,
    and the Athletic Banquet. Amy BennettLepel recognized the achievements of Veronica Gobeyn on
    placing third in New York State in the 3
    ,000 run.
    The Board approved the Consent Agenda which included substitute teachers and support staff, one
    change in appointment and two resignations of monitors. Approved was the appointment of Annette
    Whitmore as CSE Administrative Assistant effective M
    arch 19, 2001.
    The Board approved CSE Case Summaries as presented by Chairperson, Wanda Miller. The Board heard
    an update of the design development plans for the Technology Project from engineers Mike Case and
    Chuck Dalhaus, representatives from the arch
    itects planning the project. Final plans are expected next
    month. Superintendent Spink presented this year’s School Report Card. Williamson students continue to
    perform well on all of the New York State assessments given in grades 4 & 8 and the Regents
    exams in
    the High School. The State has developed statewide points for “passing” on these exams; Williamson
    students exceed those scores across the board. Of great accomplishment is that 86% of graduating seniors
    in June of 2000 earned a Regents Diploma. The full Report Card will appear in the upcoming issue of
    “What’s Happening”.
    Amy BennettLepel gave an update on the progress of the District
    ­wide SAVE Committee. This
    committee has been working to develop a district
    ­wide safety plan as prescribed by ed
    ucation law. The
    plan will include an updated emergency response plan and a newly created code of conduct. The
    Committee plans to have a Public Hearing on the plan in May and adopt it in June.
    Under Old Business, the Superintendent reviewed the budget reductions that are being recommended. A
    total of $170,000 was cut from various areas of the proposed budget. The budget increase now stands at a
    5.1% increase, chiefly due to increased health care costs, utility bill increases and salary increases. At the
    next meeting, the revenue estimate will be provided, which will indicate the tax rate increase. With no
    hope of a state budget in place by the April 1
    deadline, projections will be estimates again. The Board
    will hold further discussions until the March 28
    meeting. The budget is scheduled to be adopted at the
    April 11
    Under New Business, the Board approved the Calendar for the 2001­2002 school year. Accepted with
    regret and best wishes were the retirement resignations of Dick TenEyck, Middle School English Teacher,
    and Ann Bayley, Middle School Math Teacher. Both are effective at the end of the current school year.
    In final action, the Board appointed Maria Ehresman as the next Superintendent of Schools effective July
    1, 2001. Barry Spink will be retiring at the close of the current year.
    After Public Participation the meeting was recessed to Executive Session at 9:15 p.m. The meeting was
    adjourned at 9:36 p.m. with no further action.

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