March 1, 2001
    Wednesday evening’s Board of Education Meeting began with Public Participation a nd
    Board Committee Reports. Amy BennettLepel reported on the upcoming meeting of the
    SAVE Committee and that she would have an update at the next meeting. Deb Larson
    reported on the recent Technology Committee Meeting where a BOCES representative
    was present to explain LakeNet. Also mentioned was the meeting many of the Board
    Members attended with Senator Nozzolio. Bucky Jordan reported on the sa me meeting
    and the areas of great co ncern for school districts
    – rising utility costs, Special Education
    costs and building aid changes. Bill Herbert reported on a visit to the Canandaigua
    District and their technology initiatives and some recent correspondence he has received.
    Bill also recognized Yvonne Forget and her staff on the positive school lunch audit, an
    enclosure from the information packet.
    The Consent Agenda was approved and included substitutes, one change in appointment
    for a bus mon
    itor and Spring Coaching appointments. Two CSE Case Summaries were
    Building Principal Reports were received and commented upon. The colored pictures
    featuring student involvement in activities were pointed out in the Elementary Report. In
    the Middle School Report, the Board inquired about mid­ year Math test scores (still being
    corrected). The High School Report congratulated students who had been selected to
    Boys State. The success of the labs was also highlighted.
    Under Old Business, the Board conducted a budget worksession. The Superintendent
    updated the Board on the lack of progress from legislators on the State budget, and the
    local implications if the budget is again late. After discussion, the Board agreed that the
    proposed budget n
    eeded to be cut down by 1 – 1 ½ % from the initial proposal. The
    Superintendent was directed to work with the Administrative staff to make cuts “that
    would be farthest from the instructional program”. Increasing class sizes and cutting
    programs was not
    what the Board wanted to do. The Superintendent will bring
    recommendations to the next meeting.
    Under New Business the Board approved the semi­ annual financial report from the Civic
    Betterment Association. This group supports the fall sports program an
    d operates the
    food booth at soccer games. The Board reviewed their mid­ year progress of Board
    Goals. Progress was being made in all areas. Bill Herbert will work to establish a joint
    meeting with the Town Board to discuss common concerns.
    Upcoming mee tings were highlighted, Public Participation was held and the meeting was
    recessed to Executive Session at 9:00 p.m.

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