    Science Network Meeting
    Wednesday, March 25th, 1998
    At Wayne-Finger Lakes TRC
    4 pm – 6 pm

    In Attendance: Dan LaFica, Cjristine Bailey, Cindy Caranavale, Ed Kolb, Joe Willie, Joan Barnard, Bill Hontz, Judy Zeck, Ed Currier, Sandy Hawkins, Stan Roman
    1) Introductions
    2) DocuShare Training
    Lori Leenay reviewed the use of DocuShare. We used DocuShare to review the minutes from the last meeting.
    3) Science Internet Exploration
    The group used some time to share some favorite science Web Sites using the Teacher Center’s Internet Lab.
    4) Science Lessons – Best Practices
    Ed Currier: Shared a Wayne Central Science Project – PROJECT EARTHSHARE – An Interdisciplinary Strand Focusing on the Environment. For more information, contact Ed Currier at Wayne Middle School regarding the NYSTED program. (315) 524-0246
    Joe Willie: Shared several recommended science activities. Race Track – to introduce the concept of constantly changing speed – a graphing activity that promotes learning, experimentation and motivation. The Physics Walk – students demonstrate their understanding of distance vs. time and velocity vs. time by walking the motion depicted on a graph. A good and exciting cooperative learning activity. Also, an activity based on writing poems about the Elements of the Periodic Table. A good activity that integrates cross-curricular content into his science lessons. Contact Joe at Naples CSD.
    Only 11 out of 22 were in attendance – this lack of critical mass makes it hard to discuss some K-12 issues – especially those areas of concern regarding the Standards and Assessments.
    Bill Hontz from Sodus indicated that his district may be building some new science facilities in the near future and he asked if anyone in the group had any suggestions: anecdotes, visitations, good examples, bad examples, etc.
    Dan LaFica shared a recently received manual of Goals 2000 Assessment Project 1997 – Scoring and Examples.
    Next Meeting: May 27th
    Next Agenda
    Look into the development of specific enroute assessments that would lead the current bench marks being developed by the State
    Discuss the effects of the current trend of “raising the bar” on the self-motivated, gifted population.

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