1. Math Network Committee Minutes     1/12/99

Math Network Committee Minutes          1/12/99
Minutes: Cris Betlem

Attendance: representatives from North Rose Wolcott, Canandaigua, Clifton Springs, Bloomfield, Lyons, Geneva.
We were trained on Docushare for about an hour. We are going to try to start using this to communicate.
The minutes from this meeting will be downloaded into Docushare.
After our training, we spent the remaining time talking again about our purpose. Hugh spoke in length about the RIC’s perceptions of our purpose.
We have proposed to make our March 30th meeting a meeting in which each new math assessment can be discussed within the proper grade groups. Each attendee was asked to go back to their district and see if they could spark interest from 2 other people at different grade levels that would be interested in attending ONE meeting on March 30th from 4pm to 6pm. At this meeting we would meet in different groups. (ie. elementary level, middle school level, and high school level) Possible topics of discussion would be textbooks, how your program is run, remediation ideas, possible curriculum ideas, etc.)
One reason for splitting up into 3 separate groups is disemmination information and then passing it along to the appropriate levels isn’t working. Some districts are having a hard time getting information from the other levels. When we take information back to our districts, some ideas may get lost along the way.
Another reason is, for instance, high school teachers felt as though they could really benefit from talking to other districts about scheduling, course offerings, when implementation would occur, how implementation would occur, etc. The other level teachers at the meeting know it would be difficult to have positive input because of their unfamiliarity with the material.
The elementary school teachers have already had to implement a new program because they are giving the new assessments this year. They however could benefit from input from other districts on the pro’s and con’s of their programs. The other level teachers didn’t feel they would be able to contribute much to this because they are unfamiliar with the material.
The same goes for the middle school teachers.
Plan to make a go of this March meeting:
Each attendee will be contacting Cris Betlem and letting her know if there is interest in their district to participate in this meeting.
If the interest is there, each attendee will get the names of those willing to commit and submit them to Cris.
A tentative agenda will be formed for each group.
Hugh Kane will take care of contacting each district interested and providing them with the location, date, and agenda.
If any committee member has ideas for agenda items, please contact either Hugh Kane at Clifton Springs or Cris Betlem at Canandaigua Academy.

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