1. LOTE Meeting
      2. March 29, 1999
      3. Newark
      4. Members Present:
      5. Meeting Goals:
      6. Debrief from Oral Testing Presentation on March 19, 1999:
      7. Where do we go from here?

LOTE Meeting

LOTE Meeting

March 29, 1999

March 29, 1999



Members Present:

Members Present:
Jody Warner
Rosemary Fry
Sue Barnes
Bob Leiby, RIC
Sheridan Davenport
Toni Johnson
Krista Coleman

Meeting Goals:

Meeting Goals:
1. Debrief from Oral Testing Presentation on March 19, 1999
2. Where do we go from here?

Debrief from Oral Testing Presentation on March 19, 1999:

Debrief from Oral Testing Presentation on March 19, 1999:
Marcus Whitman (Administration, Laurie & FL Dept., Laurie’s class, Caf. staff, custodial staff)
Al Martino
Video suppliers
Find out how many are new teachers and provide information before diving into the “assumed”.
Match new and veteran teachers in paired, practiced activities
Audience attentive, on task
Immediate turn-over of shared ideas (into packet by end of day)
(Aside: Bob thinks that Al Martino will be in Rochester to address students with special needs in LOTE programs. Rosemary will contact Al to verify.)

Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here?
Checkpoint A: Turn-key training for Proficiency (or backup if this falls through)
Checkpoint B: Communicative grammar, reading, writing (ideas & grading), culture & speaking shares, special needs students.
Next Meeting:
1. Learn to post on Docushare. Bring a disk.
2. Discuss November Conference Day topics

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