October 20, 1998
    Library Program Network Groups
    Meeting began 3:35 PM
    Present: Priscilla DeBan, Lelane Hoose, Debbie Kelly, Ann van der Meulen, Susan Vorce, Nancy Wolf
    Dates for Library Program Network Groups are as followed: 10/20/98, 12/14/98, 2/22/99, 4/26/99 and 6/14/99
    Discussion began with the topic of integration with other program network groups. Some groups were more focused and productive than others. Opinions varied from total integration to no integration. Consensus from the meeting was that those media specialists would like to continue with the other subject areas should meet with those Program Network Groups as well as the Library Program Network Group. Those media specialists would prefer to remain solely with the Library Program Network Group can meet on the dates above.
    We will remain open to input from the other program network groups and will be willing to share information with those groups as well.
    Meeting dates will remain the same as above unless canceled due to weather. Members will be notified before the end of the school day.
    Membership includes:
    Bloomfield    Marie Ferner  (tentative)
    Canandaigua    Dale Ledgerwood
    Clyde-Savannah    Debbie Kelly
    Dundee      ?
    Geneva      Ann van der Meulen
    Goreham-Middlesex  Susan Vorce
    Lyons      Nancy Wolf
    Manchester-Shortsville  Bob McLaughlin
    Naples      Mary Evelen Hoffman
    Newark      ?
    North Rose Wolcott  Lelane Hoose
    Phelps-Clifton Springs  ?
    Red Creek    ?
    Romulus    Marie Johnson
    Sodus      Bob Antonucci
    Waterloo    Priscilla DeBan
    Wayne      ?  
    Debbie Kelly will continue as the key communicator and Priscilla DeBan will continue as the recorder.
    The mission of the Library Program Network Group for the 1998-99 school year is to communicate to the content area teachers the resources and services that library media specialists can provide to enable the fulfillment of the learning standards. We will accomplish this through production of a power point presentation and integration of library representatives into other library program network groups as needed.
    Agenda for next meeting includes:
     1. Continue Power Point Presentation
     2. Update from other Program Network Groups
    To assist with the power point presentation we are requesting a representative from BOCES at our next meeting.
    Please bring the following materials to the next meeting:
     power point presentation started last year
     disk for saving presentation
     information from other program network groups

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