Minutes of March 10th Meeting

    In attendance: Debbie Kelly, Ann Van der Meulen, Susan Vorce, Nancy Wolf, Mary Hoffman, Lelane Hoose, Joan Rubin, Marie Johnson, Priscilla DeBan, Bob Antonucci
    The meeting began with everyone sharing the results of their meeting with the other program network groups.
    Social Studies- Media specialists were welcomed into their group and asked to do a ten minute presentation on the integration of skills for the next meeting on March 31. We(library group) decided to discuss later in the meeting ideas and suggestions for the presentation. Possibly a generic presentation that spans all grade levels.
    FACS(Family and Consumer Sciences)-This groups also asked the media specialist to give a presentation. They FACS group also asked for additional websites and computer skills. They are intrigued by the Internet and want to know more but are unsure of what the Internet can provide them.
    Science-This group discussed websites and software that would support the curriculum, but they were somewhat disassociated. Not many people knew each other and it took some time to familiarize themselves.
    Health-This group were pretty much set up and moving in the direction they had previously discussed, moving to meet the standards.
    Computer Technology-This group discussed training, assessment and implementing technology into the curriculum. I good portion of the discussion was in areas that have already been in motion, not just meeting the standards. As a group we agreed to discuss issues using Docushare and would try to do so at least once a week.
    Art-Had priorities already set. Definite goals and outcomes. Possibly we as media specialists could provide timelines that coincided with artistic time periods. Very organized meeting. They will come prepared next meeting with a rubric and discuss how to meet the standards. Authentic assessments were also discussed.
    Eng. Lang. Arts- Media specialists were welcomed and considered equal contributors. They were looking at programs and characteristics of schools that achieve a certain level of excellence & common conditions for successful schools. The next meeting will try to organize what others have done and make it more understandable.
    Music- Not attended
    After going over the network program group meetings we discussed what we are supposed to do with the information we are getting. Some districts are sharing with one another while other districts do not even know the other representatives.
    What is supposed to be accomplished by the end of the year and how long is our commitment? We discussed whether we had an option to drop out it we felt that the project wasn’t working. The end result is that all of us are unsure as to how long our commitment is.
    Where do we go from here?
    We started to prepare a generic presentation for the next program network group, trying to include what the group wants and what the teachers want. Possibly good software, good websites, the big 6 skills, note taking skills. bibliographies, interlibrary loan. However, we do not want to be just the provider of information. But what are our rolls? Teaching the research process, helping with the production of multimedia projects, collaboration, consultant etc.
    Here is the beginning of the presentation. A file will be added to Docushare so that any member of the Library Network Program Group can edit it.
    Ideas for integration of skills presentation
    1.  Discuss research topic ahead with Library Media Specialist to ensure  successful outcome.
    2.  Provider of sources
     Pathfinder-outline of resources
     On-line databases
     Simple instruction(point of use guides)
    3.  Collaborative Instruction
     Resource process
       a.  Location & Access
       b.  Determine question-focus topic
       c.  Evaluation of resources
       d.  Which resource is most appropriate
       e.  Organization of information
       f.  Help with research product
    Do we want another meeting? Yes. To be held on April 22, 1998 from 4-6 in the Eisenhower Building.

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