1. Macedon, New York 14502
  2. Phone 315 986-3521 ext.168
  3. Update on Health Educators Network

Emma Klimek
Box 609
Macedon, New York 14502

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Phone 315 986-3521 ext.168

Office of Curriculum
And Instruction

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Update on Health Educators Network

Thanks to all of the health educators that were able to attend the "kick off" meeting in Geneva on Jan. 19th. We made some plans that we would like to share with the rest of the health education community.
1.  We have scheduled two meetings in Newark from 4:00pm to 6:00pm on Tuesday, March 14th and Tuesday, May 16th. I will send out a reservation form about two weeks before each meeting to verify attendance.
2.  It was decided that if we don't have 5 health educators attending, we will cancel the meeting.
3.  The agenda for the meeting will be to share end of course/final exams for middle school and/or high school. In addition, we will explore the need for curriculum development in health.
4.  A goal will be go improve communication through the use of DocuShare. If you do not have access, please contact me and I will help facilitate that access.
5.  All health educators that are interested in being part of this education community MUST email me at eklimek@wfmail.gananda.k12.ny.us in order for me to create a list of email addresses for the community. If you do not have email, please contact me through paper and I will be sure to fax you all information that is sent through email. Once we have all of the email addresses, I will work with BOCES in verifying that everyone has a login account with DocuShare.
6.  If you can log on to DocuShare, this is the path to the Health Network folder:
a.  Go to Eductech.org
b.  Go to DocuShare
c.  Go to window containing the collections and click on NY Standards in Instruction
d.  Go to Program Networks
e.  Go to Health folder
Thank you all again for your help in improving the education for all students in the region.

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