Minutes for Health Network
    Dec. 15, 1998

    I. Meeting Agenda
     A. One time of the four meetings might be a joint meeting with PE and Consumer Science
     B. Canandaigua did a curriculum match with the standards
     C. Where are the crossovers in the curriculum and gaps in the three curricula?
     D. Rebecca Garman- Albany PE and Health
    II. Issue to resolve
     A. What can we do to priortize time and topics?
     B. Should we discuss this with PE and Consumer Science?
     C. Look at prerequisite courses at the middle school level, core curriculum that PE and Health      would feed into
     D. How can you find the time to teach health issues in a PE class?
    III. Who should be teaching what topics?
    IV. Next meeting ....what we teach? and how much time and why? Heather Bacon Mt. Morris

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