The key communicator will be Ann Orman as the RIC representative
    The rest of the roles will be rotated from meeting to meeting.
    We will not be using Robert’s Rules of procedure at this meeting.
    Facilitator for today’s meeting is Bonnie Perkins from North Rose
    Margy Pearl is the time keeper for today.
    Recorder will be Debbie Kelly, the library representative.
    Meeting date concerns: the last day of school in June 24. Meeting dates could be changed.
    All meeting will take place in Newark at the Eisenhower Building from 4-6:00pm . Dinner will be provided. The dates scheduled are currently Feb 25, April 29 and June 24.
    The challenge to bring out the best each of the participates have to offer. How to accomplish this task.
    Important to be connected physically, make positive changes and carry for our mission.
    Ann suggested what’s going on in individual district.
    Sylvia reported that at her school meets or exceeds the standards at the intermediate but does not meet it at the commencement level – no high school teacher. Low priority for curriculum writing in terms for an annual schedule summer of 1999.
    Cathy schedule established to check the standards with our curriculum with both middle school and high school. Feels that they are in good shape with the standards.
    Linda found that teaching at different levels found that it is not interdisciplinary. Would like to work more in that area. Difficult to have Home EC at high school at high school because of schedule. May be should push to have Faces at the middle school for a full year.
    Deb. from the vocational school feels the biggest concern is communication. How are we going to communication.
    Ruth from Naples says the push is to look at scheduling. Feels that her district needs a focus.
    Carol states that integration is important in her district. Had a health day with other departments. Graduation by portfolio. One must be from health, Phys Ed and Facs.
    Bonnie problems of small school. Can’t be in two areas at the same time. Middle school and high school separate buildings. Communications within the school a problem. Sees benefits in technology. Concerns about commencement outcomes.
    Midlakes, Margy, commencement level is not being met and told to try to meet them at the middle school level. Does this by having a 40 week course every day 5 days a week. Difficult to work with teachers because of the schedule. Just tries to cover topics in the curriculum. Works backwards to meet the standards by looking at finals.
    Eileen Red Jacket some good projects: entrepreneur project and tech prep project. Hopefully will be able to share ideas with this group to increase effectiveness in the standards.
    Sara Clyde- New and is open to change and feels that she would like to integrate, but difficult to schedule.
    Deb. careers areas should start meeting. Only has 8th graders. First year in the school. What can I do to build my own program? Need to pull together as a time. Sodas.
    Home and careers doesn’t matter attitude among other Home and careers doesn’t matter attitude among other teachers.
    Molly new teachers and trying to sort everything out. Very difficult schedule. Worked hard to implement standards in the course outlines. Will be presenting their standards at a faculty meeting.
    Joan doesn’t validate your existence. Fitting the curriculum and the standards. Have a liason with other curriculum areas. Areas and stressing the need to promote this discipline.
    Bonnie: Wellness plan and parenting education
    Way to integrate.
    Marge Career plan will be developed Out in Feb
    Communication issues are the biggest concern : Discussion on how to get involved with other teams. Perhaps have one teacher from each team. We have to invite others and being creative in arranging time. Margy documents her concerns about students and sends that info to the team and sends copies to the principal. Let’s the team know what she is doing. Deb thinks that we need to work with teachers, but we all need to works as this group as well. Problem with the history of our curriculum with less importance with other curriculum
    Ann feels that these minutes should be distributed to administration. She believes that we need to raise the level of awareness.
    Bonnie feels that we need to raise to level of awareneess as well . She says we need to be advocacy role for students with special needs to meet the students. One example is teen age pregnancy which prevents girls from graduation. Need for policy statement that this group has the expertise and we are the advocates for this group of students.
    Opportunity to use this group as a means to advance our profession. We need to make a new history.
    Formulate group goals ad go from there.
    #3 Impediments – Physical, Policy and social to students. Bonnie thinks that students dropping out of school, the reasons are mention and they are meeting the standards. Separate out the two goals.
    Schedule, layout of the building, etc. What would make it better for you to teach it. Graduation requirements do not include Home Ec .. Block scheduling will also serve as a impediment. Block scheduling schools have no Home EC courses. Deb says that money is also a concern. The monies given to her and her program is minimal. Concern with how she can meet the standards with what she has to work with. I f we are going to bring more to the program , how can we do it without more fund. Not equitable around the state.
    Ruth says one impediment is the lack of knowledge. Current Curriculum. And the new standards. Waiting to see the merging of standards and current curriculum. Bonnie says the curriculum. Hasn’t change, the delivery has. New assessments. Feels that the technology may be the impediment.
    Deb (Boces) says she doesn’t give ourselves enough credit.
    Ruth wants some more concrete details.
    Ann says that we may never get anything really concrete from the state. Funding is not going to be designated to a strand. Need to work with district , push for your own needs.
    #2 Need an equitable funds for this department. Not enough time not current technology to access technology. Need time for planning with other teachers.
    #4 Bonnie says one possibility for getting funds would be for parenting skills. Deb agrees that would be the ticket. Bonnie feels that we need to do more lobbying with the state officials.
    Parenting skills, career education, School to work coordinator has some resources that you could take advantage of. Problem with different schools. Share the grants that are available with other members of this district. Social dysfunction in families. Communication. Minutes should house the minutes of the RIC should be held in the library.
    Professional development and getting abreast of new changes and grants available.
    Getting info from other members who have access to other groups ex FHA, Prof. Group
    Advocacy and unification for programs and
    achievement of the standards
    Research and sharing sites on the internet
    National standards available on the internet.
    Need to interface with other subject areas.
    1. Communicate with each other using docushare, read RIC minutes, connect with similarly focused people.
    1. Join state associations keep abreast of research
    2. Access computer find time
    3. Ask district to support professional development and give time
    4. Professional development
    5. Curriculum development

    #1 4 3 6 6 6 3 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 =74
    #2 3 6 4 4 3 6 5 5 5 3 5 4 5 5 =63
    #3 5 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 4 3 1 4 2 =33
    #4 6 4 2 5 2 5 2 1 4 1 4 5 1 4 = 46
    #5 2 2 3 3 42 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 =36
    #6 1 5 5 2 5 1 4 6 1 5 1 2 3 1 =42
    Debbie Kelly Clyde-Savannah

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