1. ELA Program Networks
  2. November 16, 1998

ELA Program Networks

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November 16, 1998

Needed to establish new facilitator. Decided to share responsibilities each meeting:
Elizabeth Mosher, Dale Phippen, Joy Terry, and Renee Williams in that order.
ELA training - helpful- experienced actual text - rubrics - looked at samples of student work and how evaluated - then evaluated numerous samples - generally positive reactions by those who attended
According to the moment, student current IEP must be followed for ELA assessment.
11th grade rubric has been moderately modified.
Report from Giselle Martin-Kniep’s “Using the NYS Art tests, standards and supporting documents to promote quality teaching and learning:
·   not teach to test - give students experience with rubrics
·   students need to be well-versed in many genres
·   allow opportunities to think about thinking/performance
·   need to see examples of levels of performance to discuss and understand
·   outline some suggestions of rubrics
8th grade assessment training will happen through BOCES after 4th grade test is evaluated to build on that experience.
Number of days for assessment training? 11th grade - 1 day? See Ronnie.
Input from districts’ ELA/new learning standard preparations were distributed. Some are attached.
Three –day spring workshop on designing authentic performance tasks and rubrics.
Students also need experience on the assessment tasks, at least the format of the assessment.
Numerous districts have given sample tests as diagnostic tools, and then followed through with specific programs for target students.
Consortium has developed off-year assessments, soon to be ready.
Listening Skills a need - FLCC putting on workshops in listening - also note-taking and technical writing. Application forms will be attached.
Predictions from state that 35% will fail, half will pass 2nd time, half again 3rd time. These projections include NYC 60% projected failure. Assumption is that this failure rate should decline over time and that the test should be challenging and will result in improvement over time.
Concerns expressed over time allotments for secondary assessments - student attention spans. Six hours is the time allowed. Most students will not need all of that time.
Suggestion: those PNG members distribute to their district any information shared here that might be of assistance.
Next meeting, delayed from January because of 4th Grade Assessment timing - February 8, 1999
Agenda: Share district experience with 4th grade assessment and scoring. Also, bring any district activities related to listening, note taking, and technical writing skills. Update on 8th/11th Grade Assessments. (John will include Regent’s schedule.)

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