1. ELA Program Networks
  2. January 14, 1998
  3. Brainstormed possible directions for our group:
  4. Ground Rules Discussion:
  5. Key Questions Discussion:
  6. #2 What would help support us?
  7. #3 What are our constraints/impediments:
  8. #4 What can we do?
  9. #5 How will we proceed? What is our priority? Where will we start?
  10. Agenda for January 26, 1998
  11. Future agenda item:
  12. Recommended books:

ELA Program Networks

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January 14, 1998


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Brainstormed possible directions for our group:
1.  support standards for students in vocational--all support programs
2.  examine standards as a starting point
3.  connect to SS, Math, Science, etc.
4.  share "best work" that already supports Standards
5.  How do Consortium groups fit in?
6.  share curriculum written thus far?
7.  Immediate need-Regents exam 1999-get ready now
8.  subgroups: elementary/secondary
9.  global changes-implications K-12 standards
10.  liaison with state
 Next meeting: discuss time/place
John will send out our list of possible directions. Each member should prioritize the list, return it to John, who will use this information to set our agenda for the Jan. 26th meeting. AFTER NOTE: We have set our agenda for this meeting, but will revisit this list.
 We established roles:
 Facilitator: Gail Evans
 Time Keeper: Elizabeth Moser
 Recorder: Tracy Marchionda
 Key Communicator: John Cooper
Due to the few meetings we have remaining, these roles will stay the same for the rest of this school year.

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Ground Rules Discussion:
SOME MEMBERS STILL DO NOT HAVE FINAL DRAFTS OF THE ELA STANDARDS! We'll ask John to have copies sent to those who need them ASAP. Several people also need copies of all the assessments. Also, members who were not at the kick-off meeting do not have the original paperwork. They will need copies of those items.

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Key Questions Discussion:
Current practices that support the standards:

It was noted that a key to all of our districts is that we are focusing on alignment and system that are already defined. A communication piece is necessary between and among grade levels in the elementary school.
Communication piece for John to take back to RIC: need better communications to home districts (i.e. The ideas we're hearing/sharing here need to be heard by our districts.)
The ELA Consortium has been working on curriculum, assessments, rubrics, etc. six districts are involved and it has addressed several of these issues.

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#2  What would help support us?

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#3  What are our constraints/impediments:

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#4  What can we do?

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#5  How will we proceed? What is our priority? Where will we start?

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Agenda for January 26, 1998
1. Looking at common conditions of successful schools.
2. Begin to match common characteristics with the Standards.

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Future agenda item:
Look at common conditions and successes, bring back samples from our own districts showing these in place.

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Recommended books:
Allington, Richard:  No Quick Fix
  Schools That Work
All the latest updates of the assessments (elementary and middle school) will be sent to the building principals at the end of January/beginning of February. The new curriculum guide will be sent out in February, followed by the instructional guides later on. 

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